Three Passive House Homes Are Showcased in the Wall Street Journal

Nancy Keates of the Wall Street Journal recently journeyed up to Boston to learn about three Passive House homes that were recently certified by the Passive House Institute. Designed by Boston-based RODE Architects and built by Dmitry Baskin of Passive House Construction, these three homes are just the entry point of the article, which goes on to discuss the principles of Passive House and the growing popularity of passive construction in Massachusetts. The three gorgeous homes are also a reminder that thermal comfort and energy efficiency do not require aesthetic sacrifices, but actually open up design possibilities while providing residents with comfortable, healthy, and resilient homes.

To read the story, click here.

Appeared in the August 4, 2023, print edition as 'Triple-Digit Heat, but No Electric Bill?'.

Published: August 4, 2023
Categories: News