The Passive House Network Releases Building Certifier Scope of Services

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Earlier this month, the Passive House Network published a resource for Passive House certifiers that clarifies the scope of services and work necessary for building certification. The “Building Certifier Scope of Services” can be downloaded from PHN’s website.

The role that the Passive House certifier is expected to play can vary from project to project, so even experienced certifiers can benefit from reading the document to ensure all the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted. For certifiers who are relatively new to the process or new to working on a project of a certain typology, the guide can be invaluable. Adherence to the guide from the beginning of a project can also help certifiers identify core services, additional services, and contingencies, ensuring that other team members have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the certifier.

For developers and homeowners who hope to build to Passive House standards, the guide can also be of service, as it largely demystifies the process of certification, including all associated fees. While it does not answer every question that may arise during the certification process (as there are unique circumstances to every project), it provides a clear enough roadmap that even individuals who are completely unfamiliar with Passive House standards will be able to learn what it takes to get a building certified.

The Building Certifier Scope of Services was compiled and edited by Ken Levenson of PHN with the assistance of document members of the North American Certifiers Circle, the Passive House Institute, and the Passivhaus Trust. Sarah Lewis of Passivhaus Trust played an especially vital role in developing the guide.

Get the Building Certifier Scope of Services Download

Published: March 24, 2024
Author: Jay Fox
Categories: Article, Certification