The Passive House Network Announces Buildings Tour for Boston Conference

The Passive House Network announced the Conference Passive House Buildings Tour for Passive House 2022 Conference: Passive House For All. The Tour will take place on June 18.

The Tour will include site visits to a wide variety of build types: office tower, multifamily apartment building, a single-family home and a school - demonstrating how Passive House can be utilized successfully in a wide variety of uses.

The tour will start early with the 53-story Winthrop Center. Developed by MP Boston, it’s a building that’s in the process of redefining expectations for Class A office space performance - with 21 floors built for Passive House certification. Under construction the building details and systems will be live illustrations of Passive House principles in action. The building is designed by Handel Architects, and built by Suffolk.

Next stop is The Loop at Mattapan Station, with 135 rental-units planned to accommodate occupants with a range of incomes. It is also under construction. The architects are The Architectural Team (TAT) and the builder is Dellbrook JKS.

From the multifamily we then stop at a single-family home in Somerville. Completed a number of years ago, it was certified by the owner after construction was done, who has gone on to become a Certified Passive House Designer, founding eMod Studio.

With a late lunch stop, it’s on to Beverly MA and the Waring School, where the school’s new 12,000 SF academic building was recently completed to Passive House standards. The architect is OPAL Architecture and the builder, L.D. Russo.

“The tour is intended to give a concentrated look into a variety of building types, connect people, educate and inspire,” said Tour organizer Ken Levenson. “If you don’t walk away motivated to change business as usual and energetically confront the climate crisis by the end of the tour, we’ll suspect you didn’t get off the bus!”

With participants loaded with motivation and many new Passive House friends, the Tour ends with a drop-off back in downtown Boston.

Find out more and register at

Published: May 17, 2022
Categories: News