Sto Corp Joins Passive House Accelerator as a Founding Sponsor

We at Passive House Accelerator are excited to announce that Sto Corp has become a Founding Sponsor, providing generous underwriting support to a growing suite of programming, including our weekly Global Passive House Happy Hour presentations, our new Passive House Podcast, our videos and articles, and more.

Sto is well known in the community as a leading manufacturer of high performance building components, providing complete façade systems, both field-applied and prefabricated, to Passive House projects in North America and around the world. Sto, whose tagline reads “building with conscience”, joins the Accelerator with the shared goal to harness buildings to create a clean economy and future.

“Sto has a long record of success when it comes to Passive House and Net Zero projects. Each one is a step toward a more sustainable future,” said Zak Veres, product manager for Facade Restoration at Sto Corp, “Supporting organizations like Passive House Accelerator is a great way to further that cause.”

We at the Accelerator see a tipping point approaching, where Passive House becomes the norm. But this tipping point depends on access to the best high-performance materials and components. For this reason we are proud to partner with Sto.

Thank you, Sto!

Published: August 25, 2020
Categories: News