SIGA Becomes Passive House Accelerator’s First Champion Sponsor

We are excited to announce that SIGA has become the first Champion Sponsor of Passive House Accelerator. (See our announcement of the new Champion Sponsorship category here.)

SIGA is a leader in the development and production of high-performance adhesive tapes and membranes for air- and weather tight building envelopes. Their tapes and membranes wrap Passive House buildings around the world.

“I’ve had the good fortune to visit SIGA’s Swiss headquarters and witness firsthand both the company’s culture and manufacturing facilities,” said Zack Semke, Director of the Accelerator. “The firm is a leader in the clean building transition that is so vital to the success of clean energy transition. We’re excited to collaborate with SIGA.”

For SIGA, its sponsorship of the Accelerator represents one more step toward its vision for the world’s buildings.

“Implementing the Passive House standard as the baseline for all new and retrofitted buildings is a crucial step to fight the high carbon emissions our buildings produce on a daily basis,” said Etienne Gubler, CEO of SIGA COVER INC. “Passive House Accelerator has successfully united a global community and created an opensource platform to exchange best practices on how to build better. We are a proud partner and look forward to building a world of zero energy loss buildings.”

Welcome aboard, SIGA. and thank you!

Published: April 29, 2021
Categories: News