Passive House Weekly November 20th, 2023

The featured project above is a single-family home in California’s Morongo Valley, just outside of Palm Springs.
The featured project above is a single-family home in California’s Morongo Valley, just outside of Palm Springs.
RB24 Save the Date

1. PHA Live Event

NEXT Week: Air Management in Warm/Humid Climates

PHA Live CT rectangle Beacon Hill

Our November Construction Tech presentation is a case study on the Beacon Hill Passive House, the first certified Passive House (Phius) in the state of Missouri. While the team had previously deployed just about every type of wall assembly out there, experimented with different waterproofing and air sealing strategies, tried different glazing packages... this was the first home where they made the commitment to certify and it was a challenge to cross the threshold. David Schleicher and Joe Nickels (Kala Built) will hone in on their strategic approach to control and manage air. They will give an overview of the strategy that was doable in the Kansas City market: it had to be economically viable, it had to appraise, it had to provide the performance level desired for a structure in one of the most challenging climates in the country with hot/humid summers and cold/dry winters. 

This free presentation will take place next week on Wednesday, November 29th at 9am PT / 12pm ET and will be followed by a lively Q+A session. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from industry leaders and engage with the PHA community. See you there!

2. Featured Article of the Week

3. Passive House Podcast Episode

PHIUS CON 23 Episode cover art rectangle 1700489768

In our first special bonus episode recorded at PhiusCon, Passive House Podcast cohost Ilka Cassidy interviews Katrin Klingenberg Co-Founder & Executive Director at Phius.

Thank you to our sponsor Zola Windows for making the Passive House Podcast at PhiusCon possible. Keep an eye out for new episodes featuring influential thought leaders over the next few weeks!

THANK YOU to Our Manufacturer Sponsor of the Week

4. New Videos

5. Upcoming Passive House Happenings

THIS WEEK: Events In the Passive House Community

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected]

Future Events!

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Upcoming Conferences

Published: November 20, 2023
Categories: News