The featured project above PHI Certified Millhaus in Fort Collins, CO. Learn More
Please read on for a selection of PHA Live Event, Featured Article, Podcasts, New videos, Events, and What We're Reading.
Do you have a recent Passive House and/or high performance project that demonstrates PH principles, electrification, low embodied carbon and high performance construction? Submit here to be featured in a future edition of Passive House Weekly, Podcast or LIVE! program.
Announcing the 24-hour, around-the-world, global online happening
We're happy to announce the Metropolis has joined RB24 as Media Partner!
Thank you to our Stakeholder Partner, The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
1. PHA Live Events
2. Featured Article of the Week
3. Passive House Podcast Episode
THANK YOU to Our Sponsor of the Week
4. Videos

Join us for Reimagine Buildings '24 on March 7-8, 2024
Announcing the 24-hour, around-the-world, global online happening: Reimagine Buildings ’24. At RB24 we’ll circumnavigate the globe, unveiling a new, innovative building project every hour, complete with actionable solution sets, expert insights, and key lessons-learned. You’ll connect with peers from around the world and from your region, building the network you need to create buildings that make a difference. Join us!
5. Upcoming Passive House Happenings
THIS WEEK: Events In the Passive House Community
Passive House Accelerator
101 Series: The (Air) Ins and Outs of Passive House Ventilation (Feb 7)
Emu Passive
On-Demand ONLINE Passive Design/Build™ core curriculum and CPHT exam prep (Feb 7)
Peel Passive House
Certified Passive House Designer Course (Feb 6)
P-12 Schools: Clean Green Schools Initiative (PON 4924) Webinar (Feb 7)
Phius Project Cert Workshop (Feb 7)
Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected]
Future Events!
Passive House Accelerator
101 Series: The (Air) Ins and Outs of Passive House Ventilation (Feb 7)
Emu Passive
On-Demand ONLINE Passive Design/Build™ core curriculum and CPHT exam prep (Feb 14)
Passive Design/Build™ Boot Camp Brooklyn, NY (Apr 22-26)
Passive Design/Build™ Boot Camp Boston, MA (May 6-10)
Passive Design/Build™ Boot Camp Fort Collins, CO (June 24-28)
The Passive House Network
Pacific CPHD | Spring Cohort (Apr 18)
Passive House Institute
PHPP Expert Course (Sep-Jan)
Online PH Designer/Consultant Course in English (Oct-Dec)
Does your organization have an upcoming event? Submit it here to be included in our next newsletter.
Join Reimagine Buildings, a one-of-a-kind 24-hour global online conference by Passive House Accelerator, sharing the future of low-carbon building.
Upcoming Conferences
Reimagine Buildings '24 (March 7-8)
Building Energy Boston (March 19-20)
27th International Passive House Conference (April 5-6)
The Humid Climate Conference (May 6-7)
Living Future 2024 (May 7-9)
THRIVE Passivhaus Conference 24 (May 23-24)
ASES SOLAR 2024: Connecting Technology & Policy (May 20-23)
Passive House Canada Conference (June 17-19)
American Solar Energy Society's National Solar Tour (Oct 4)
Greenbuild 2024 (Nov 12 -15)
6. What We're Reading
John Podesta to succeed John Kerry as Biden’s top climate advisor (The Guardian)
Senate confirms head of EPA’s air office, key to Biden climate rules (Washington Post)
U.S. will pay to add solar panels to hospitals, schools after disasters (New York Times)
Opinion: amid a national housing shortage, Congress must expand supply (City Limits)
A superfund for climate change? States consider a new way to make Big Oil pay (Grist)
With public transit on the brink, some states prepare to boost funding (Governing)
Poll shows wide support in Md. For making polluters pay for climate change (Maryland Matters)
A giant fund for climate disasters will soon open. Who should be paid first? (Nature)
Decarbonizing the built environment with Phius (The Appalachian)
Manufacturers catch up on embodied carbon (Metropolis)