Passive House Weekly December 4th, 2023

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Announcing the 24-hour, around-the-world, global online happening

1. PHA Live Event

Wednesday: 101 Series: No Thermal Bridges

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Our December 101 event will be a journey into the world of thermal bridge-free design with Ed May (Partner in the consulting firm bldgtyp, an architecture and consulting firm based in Brooklyn NY.). Uncover the hidden threats posed by thermal bridges—silent culprits sapping your building's energy efficiency and durability. Ed will guide you through identifying these infiltrators, and how to design-out thermal bridges by adding thermal breaks into your critical details—gaps or insulative elements that stop the flow of thermal energy through an assembly.

Learn how thermal bridges impact moisture management, risking dangerous condensation and mold. Discover the transformative power of thermal bridge-free design in enhancing energy efficiency, thermal performance, health, and occupant comfort. Join us for an insightful session that promises to revolutionize your approach to design and building practices.

Thursday: Architectural Marvel: Inside the Thermoplus 4700 Series

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Join Davyd Funk and Alfred Jury of EuroLine Windows for an insightful reintroduction to the 4700 ThermoPlus Series in the “Architectural Marvel: Inside the ThermoPlus 4700 Series”. Whether you're familiar or discovering it for the first time, this session offers a fresh perspective on this fusion of engineering and design. Delve into the secrets behind its exceptional performance, combining the strength of fiberglass with the benefits of uPVC. From innovative materials to cutting-edge engineering, uncover the series' expansive size capabilities and design flexibility, providing architects with remarkable freedom. Don't miss this opportunity to reintroduce yourself to fenestration excellence with EuroLine.

Get the Zoom link! Registration is now closed

2. Featured Article of the Week

3. Passive House Podcast Episode

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Five new bonus episodes recorded at PhiusCon are now live, Co-hosts Ilka Cassidy, Shannon Pendleton, Mary James, and Matthew Cutler Welsh talk with Charles MacBride of the University of Texas, Ellen Franconi of PNNL, Rolf Jacobsen of the University of Minnesota, Kristof Irwin of Positive Energy, and Tessa Bradley of Artisan Group.

Thank you to our sponsor Zola Windows for making the Passive House Podcast at PhiusCon possible. Keep an eye out for new episodes featuring influential thought leaders over the next few weeks!

THANK YOU to Our Manufacturer Sponsor of the Week

4. New Videos

5. Upcoming Passive House Happenings

THIS WEEK: Events In the Passive House Community

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected]

Future Events!

Does your organization have an upcoming event? Submit it here to be included in our next newsletter.

Join Reimagine Buildings, a groundbreaking 24-hour global online conference by Passive House Accelerator, shaping the future of low-carbon building.

Upcoming Conferences

Published: December 4, 2023
Categories: News