Passive House Weekly: August 1, 2022

August 1st, 2022

Please read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, articles, interviews, and developments. The featured project above is the PHI Certified Stonington Passive House.

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. Passive House Week in Preview


PHALive! AugustBreak

Hello, Passive House Accelerator community! In case you missed our most recent Project Showcase or Construction Tech events, we announced that our programs will be taking the month of August off. Don't worry! The website will still be publishing new content and you can always catch up or revisit previous episodes of the Passive House Podcast here or check out any Project Showcase or Construction Tech or Happy Hour episodes that you may have missed by going to our YouTube page.

We hope to take this time not only to enjoy some much-needed R&R, but to improve our platform and finalize an exciting line up of presenters for Fall. We'll be posting updates about the upcoming programming schedule for the fall throughout the month of August, so stay tuned!

See you in September!

NOW LIVE: Episode 98 of the Passive House Podcast

PH Podcast rectangle Luke Middleton

Luke Middleton creates beautiful, sustainable architecture. His award winning community, educational and residential designs embody the EME ethos of intelligence, inspiration and innovation. Luke has over 18 years of design experience and is driven by a process of collaboration both within the EME team and his client relationships. Since 1996 Luke’s commitment to sustainability and efficiency has been reflected in numerous awards, and invitations to industry and academic conferences on developing inherently sustainable architecture. Listen here

THIS WEEK: Events In the Passive House Community

BE-Ex Passive House Summer School
Various Programs (Aug 2-30)

#BS Friday LIVE
Emissions Down, Power Up! With Phius (Aug 5)

Passive House Canada
Pathway to Passive House Designer/Consultant Certification (Aug 9)

THANK YOU To This Week's Featured Sponsor:

glavel PHA homepage

Visit Glavel.

2. Featured Article of the Week

United to Fight  Ruffy

Pembina Institute’s Reframed Initiative is a British Columbia-based program aimed at developing replicable deep retrofit solutions and scaling their implementation. Reframed teamed up with BC Housing and Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation to commission deep retrofit designs for six multi-unit residential buildings and invited multi-disciplinary teams to participate in a six-month Reframed Lab to design solutions for these buildings. What follows is an account by one of the Lab participants, Ruffy Ruan, a mechanical engineer and Passive House consultant with Impact Engineering. Read more

3. New Video

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Our own Passive House Accelerator community members joined Construction Tech to present a short overview of a current or recent Passive House project. Presenters included: Marc Fabris, Baxt Ingui Architects, Ben Albury, Amalgam Studio LLC, Alfred Jury, Euroline Windows, Kim Walton, Bow Crow Design, and Brandon Nicholson, NK Passive. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us!

4. Upcoming Conferences

Green Building United, New Gravity Housing Conference (August 11)
At this year's 6th Annual 'Massive Passive' New Gravity Housing Conference, GBU is bringing together affordable multi-family housing experts and projects from across the Eastern US to demonstrate what is possible. Each case-based session will provide timely, useful, and directly applicable Passive House information for designers, developers, funders, owners, and builders.

NESEA's BuildingEnergy NYC 2022 Conference, Bridging the Gap (Sep 15)
NESEA's BuildingEnergy NYC conference is designed by and for practitioners in the fields of high-performance building and design, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and building/energy policy. Conference sessions and showcase demos offer best practices and lessons learned, case studies and proven data, technical "how-to"s, emerging technologies, and innovative policies and programs. If you are a professional in the built environment in any stage of your training and career, plan to immerse yourself in a day of networking and intensive learning on Thursday, September 15, 2022, in NYC at Convene Park Avenue (466 Lexington Avenue).

Passive House Canada Prefab Symposium 2022 (Sep 21-23)
Whether you are a design professional, building scientist, contractor, developer, government official, or financial decision-maker, Passive House Canada’s Prefab Symposium will provide case studies and best practices across Canada, and share how you can integrate an innovative prefab strategy into your core business practices. (Virtual)

PhiusCon 2022: Emissions Down, Power Up! (Oct 25-28)
PhiusCon is coming home to Chicago Oct. 25-28 at the historic Palmer House. Last year, Phius set its sights on expansion with its motto “Emissions Down, Scale Up!” and despite the obstacles presented by COVID, shared that vision with a sold-out crowd in Tarrytown, New York. PhiusCon 2021 created a wave of momentum, and Phius is looking to carry that into PhiusCon 2022 as it builds for the future. And you can’t talk about building for the future without mentioning electrification, so Phius decided to put a charge into this year’s motto: “Emissions Down, Power Up!”

International Passive House Association Conference 2023 (March 10-11)
The 26th International Passive House Conference will be held in the state capital of Hesse in 2023. #EfficiencyNOW will be the focal theme of the event. The Conference will demonstrate how buildings that use very little energy for heating and cooling can be supplied with renewable energy reliably and at scale, a timely topic. The Conference will take place in person in Wiesbaden from March 10-11, 2023. Simultaneously, online events will be available. The Call for Papers is open until 2 September 2022. The event will be held under the auspice of the Minister of Economic Affairs of the German state of Hesse.

5. Upcoming Passive House Happenings

BE-Ex Passive House Summer School
Various Programs (Aug 2-30)
A Conversation with NYC Council Member Jim Gennaro (Aug 9)
Climate Mobilization Act Primer (Aug 11)

#BS Friday LIVE
Emissions Down, Power Up! With Phius (Aug 5)
BOSS Building Offsite Sustainable Systems with BCollective (Aug 19)
Belinda Carr (Aug 26)
Living The 1.5 degree Lifestyle with Lloyd Alter (Sept 2)
Mark LaLiberte of Construction Instruction (Oct 7)
Building Science Institute (Oct 14)

Passive House Canada
Pathway to Passive House Designer/Consultant Certification (Aug 9)
Prefab Symposium 2022 (Sep 21-23)

Offsite Dirt
My home doesn't small moldy anymore, Wick Right; a new sustainable product (Aug 16)

Emu Passive
Online CPHT On-Demand Course & Live Q&A (Autumn Crew open now, Q&A start Sept 22nd)
Passive Pod Workshop & Builder Boot Camp in Ft. Collins, Colorado Oct 31 (register by Oct 17)
Remote Exam to become PHI Cert. PH Tradesperson CPHT Nov 10 (deadline Oct 27)

Passive House School
Certified Passive House Designer / Consultant online course (Sept 7)

PhiusCon (Oct 25-28)

Passive House Network
CPHD On-Demand Trainings (Various)
Ask the Passive House Certifiers: Multifamily Buildings (Aug 11)

6. What We're Reading

How to Convince a Science Denier to Reconsider Their Beliefs (CBC)

How to Incentivize and Accelerate Low-Carbon Building Designs, with Lessons from Vancouver (Canadian Architect)

Construction Input Prices Increased 20.1% Year-Over-Year in June (Builder Online)

Metropolis Meltdown: The Urgent Steps We Need to Take to Cool Our Sweltering Cities (The Guardian)

Can We Hack the DNA in Plants to Help Fight Climate Change (National Geographic)

With the James Webb Telescope in Full Operation, Scientists Look to Reveal the Earliest Galaxies (Space)

Pacific Leaders to Declare ‘Climate Emergency’ in PIF Statement, Praise Australia’s Move to Lift Emissions Reduction Targets (ABC)

Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage Gets Hot with a ‘Sand Battery’ (Treehugger)

Feast Your Eyes on the 2022 RIBA House of the Year Longlist (Wallpaper)

A New Library Is a Living Room for a Whole Town (Metropolis)

Published: August 1, 2022
Categories: News