Passive House Week In Preview: October 11

Read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, deadlines, and developments to put on your radar this week. The featured project above is Lincoln Net Positive Farmhouse. The project team included Zero Energy Design and Thought Forms. Submit your project HERE for a chance to be featured.

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. TUE: Prefab Experts Hive Mind, PhiusCon Sneak Peek

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Construction Tech partners with Phius to bring you a sneak peek ahead of PhiusCon (October 14-15). Phius Executive Director and Co-Founder Katrin Klingenberg will kick off the confab of Passive House all-stars Alan Gibson, Graham Irwin, Tessa Bradley, Steve Hessler, Ilka Cassidy, and Katie Ackerly. The crew will dive into the technical, technique, and technology of prefab design and construction with rapid-fire presentations. Come check out expert insights and get a preview of PhiusCon. Learn more.

2. WED: Firehall 17 Lessons Learned with Scott Ghomeshi

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Through the lens of a mechanical engineer, Scott Ghomeshi will share the decision-making and design process that led to Firehall 17, one of the highest performance fire halls in North America and the first to pursue Passive House (PHI) certification. On October 13 Scott, an associate at Integral Group, will present lessons learned during the design and construction of the Firehall. Scott has focused on designing institutional, aviation, cultural, civic, and emergency services to the highest performing standards over the last 11 years. He is not only a CPHD but also an instructor for the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s Passive House Tradesperson course. Learn more.

3. NOW LIVE: Episode 56 of the Passive House Podcast

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Zack interviews Katrin Klingenberg, co-founder and Executive Director of Phius. Katrin and Zack discuss this week's upcoming PhiusCon conference in Tarrytown, New York, the rebrand that Phius recently unveiled, the new slate of passive building certifications that Phius offers, the ways that Phius is engaging with questions of operational carbon emissions, embodied carbon, and electrification, and the challenges and opportunities for scaling up deep energy retrofits and new passive buildings over the next decade. Listen here.

4. BONUS: Interviews from the 25th International Passive House Conference

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Thank you to Passive House Institute and International Passive House Association for working with us to arrange a series of interviews in conjunction with the 25th International Passive House Conference held online in early September. In these special, shorter episodes, also available in video format, Zack interviews organizers and presenters about key takeaways and insights from the conference. Check out the seventh and final installment, an inspiring interview about pre-fab Passive House retrofits and new builds in the UK with Ron Beattie of Beattie Passive. View the bonus episode playlist here.

5. Building Performance Interactive coming October 28

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We're adding some exciting new programming to our schedule for the next eight months with the launch of the Building Performance Interactive monthly miniseries on October 28. The program was developed as part of a collaboration with the Accelerator and Hugh Whiriskey and Iulia Potor of Ireland-based Partel, who both saw a need for more interactive programming to share lessons learned and best practices from the explosion of Passive House projects happening close to home. “It started with a strong determination to support the transformation of the low-carbon building sector towards nZEB and Passive House through a new perspective, based on a collaborative approach,” Whiriskey said.

Whiriskey will serve as cohost of the series, along with Mike Jacob and Ben Adam-Smith. Jacob is a Reading-based chartered construction manager and cofounder of KISS House, a custom-built home provider. Adam-Smith is a self-builder a well-known producer of podcasts and videos on construction and Passive House design. The first episode, on October 28 (2pm BST, 9am ET), will feature guest Tomas O'Leary. Register here.

6. Save the Date: Fall Conferences & Summits

PhiusCon (October 12-15)
PhiusCon (formerly North American Passive House Conference) will be held October 12-15, 2021 in Tarrytown, New York. The locale for PhiusCon 2021 is no accident. Thanks in large part to years of tireless effort by Phius and New York State Energy Research and Development (NYSERDA), New York has become the country’s unquestioned leader in climate action policy. Two days, five tracks, three keynotes--Joe Lstiburek will provide the finale on Friday, October 15. Register.

Northwest Green Building Slam Summit (October 13-15)
Presented by the NW EcoBuilding Guild, this year's Slam Summit has 14 sessions over 2 days on a whole range of topics in 4 tracks: Housing, Climate Change, Design Details, and New Frontiers. From details like electrification retrofits to innovative solutions on a shoreline project to climate justice in construction, you won’t want to miss this! Learn more.

2021 Getting to Zero Forum (October 27-29)
With a growing number of climate emergencies across the United States and the world, there is no more important time than now for the Getting to Zero Forum. We are excited to gather in person and hope you will join us. If you can't come in person, we now have a virtual attendance option available. Learn more.

South Pacific Passive House Conference (November 25-27)
The time is now to register for The South Pacific Passive House Conference 2021 (SPPHC21)!  Tell your friends and colleagues and shout about it on social media! Learn more.

7. SOCIALS: Passive House/Building Science Gatherings

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Construction Tech Tuesday 
Prefab Experts Hive Mind: PhiusCon Prefab Panel Sneak Peek (Tue, Oct 12)

Sustainable Building Week in Portland, OR
Sustainable Building Week 2021: PAE Living Building Tour 9 am (Oct 12)

Sustainable Building Week 2021: PAE Living Building Tour 10 am (Oct 12)

Global Passive House Showcase 
Firehall 17: Passive House Fire Station Crosses the Finish Line (Wed, Oct 13)

#BS (Building Science) Fridays
Chris Magwood Building Better for the People & the Planet (Fri, Oct 15)

8. EDUCATION: Upcoming Passive House Trainings

PhiusCon Pre Conference WUFI Workshop (October 12, 13)

Passive House California 
Introduction to Passive House Trades (October 13)

Passive House Network 
Introduction to Passive House Trades (October 13)

International Passive House Association 
Preventing energy lock-in: Step by step retrofit to EnerPHit (October 13)

New York Passive House
Product Showcase | Why are windows so $$$?: How to design for optimal value (October 14)

Passive House Canada
Certified Passive House Designer/Consultant Exam (October 15)

Australian Passive House Association 
Sustainable House Day: Passivhaus Homeowner Panel Discussion (October 16)

Phius+ Verifier Training (October 18, 19)

Castaño & Asociados Passivhaus 
CPHT Course (Spanish Language) (October 19 - November 9)

New York Passive House 
Heat Pump Water Heaters: Single Family (October 20)
ARCHITECTS FOCUS | Never Demolish in NYC: Innovative strategies for deep energy retrofit projects (October 21)

Passive House California
Heat Pump Water Heaters: Multi-Family & Commercial (October 21)

Passive House Canada
Certified Passive House Designer/Consultant Exam (October 22)
Built-in Canada: Lessons Learned from PH Projects (Alberta) (October 22)

Hyperlocal Workshop A Climate Refugee Proposal for LA (October 27)

International Passive House Association 
Project Spotlight: Sinfonia Experience in Large Scale Retrofit (November 3)

Smart Plus Academy 
ONLINE Passive House Tradesperson Course (November 11 - December 11)

Phius+ Rater Training (November 8)

Emu Passive 
Passive Pod Workshop (November 17, 18)
CPHT Exam (November 19)

Smart Plus Academy 
ONLINE Passive House Designer/Consultant Course (November 22 - December 2)

View our full calendar here.

Published: October 11, 2021
Categories: News