Passive House Week In Preview: May 17

Read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, deadlines, and developments to put on your radar this week. Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. THUR: Register now for the Resilience in Canada Summit

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Passive Buildings Canada and Passive House Canada join forces with Passive House Accelerator to present Resilience in Canada. The event showcases Passive House solutions that meet Canada’s critical housing needs. Moderated by Habit Studio’s Lorrie Rand, this stellar panel will feature practitioners who helped usher in such key projects as:

  • Nuutsumuut Lelum, a 25-unit affordable housing community for Indigenous families, youth, and elders in Nanaimo, British Columbia;

  • Doig River Cultural Centre, a community building that is the northernmost Passive House in North America; and

  • Indwell’s portfolio of affordable, supportive Passive House buildings in Ontario

Thursday, May 20, 4 PM PT/7 PM ET. Register Here.

2. TUE: SIMM™ Holzraum Method with Steve Hessler

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Tuesday (May 18) Holzraum System cofounder Steve Hessler will join us at Construction Tech Tuesday to talk about the SIMM™ Holzraum method. The SIMM™ (or Single Integrated Manufacturing Model) Method utilizes structural, building fabric, energy performance, manufacturing, and mechanical systems perspectives to aid in delivering goal-oriented results. Learn more.

3. WED: Lessons from a PH Certifier, Melissa Furukawa

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Wednesday (May 19) Melissa Furukawa, PH Certifier, and Consultant for Peel Passive House, will share some of the lessons she’s learned as a Passive House Certifier at the Happy Hour. Her extensive experience in energy modeling, daylight analysis, and climate analysis have helped her to work on a variety of low carbon and PH projects across the globe. Learn more.

4. NOW LIVE: Episode 39 of the Passive House Podcast

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Bomee Jung discusses her involvement in early efforts to address climate action and buildings in NYC, the role that affordable housing providers are playing to reset our collective understanding of what “housing quality” should mean (ie. Passive House), and the ways that Passive House practitioners and organizations can help advance racial equity both in the AEC industry and in the built environment. Listen here.

5. Save the Date: Spring Conferences & Summits

Energy Efficiency Finance Forum by ACEEE (May 25-26)
Want to know how financing can drive a clean energy future? Join us for the 13th Energy Efficiency Finance Forum (EEFF) — the premier conference for industry leaders like you — to explore the vital role that financing will play in cutting-edge initiatives and major opportunities to finance projects that save energy, reduce costs, and create jobs. Register here.

Passive House For All: North American Passive House Network (June 10–11)
This hybrid (in-person + virtual) conference will center around the accessibility of Passive House. Attendees can expect the usual programming such as specialized technical, process, and policy of Passive House with a specific emphasis on environmental, health, and social crises. Register here. P.S more affordable rates are available for students this year!

Passive House Open Days 2021 (June 25-27)
Are you enthusiastic about the Passive House concept and its advantages? Then take part in the Open Days and motivate others to join the movement by sharing your knowledge and experiences!

6. SOCIALS: Passive House/Building Science Gatherings

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Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech Tuesday
SIMM™ Holzraum Method: Steve Hessler, Holzraum System (Tue, May 18)

Global Passive House Happy Hour
Lessons from a PH Certifier: Melissa Furukawa, Peel Passive House (Wed, May 19)

BS* + Beer Show
What can the residential world learn from the commercial world? With Doug Horgan, Bob Kovacs and Patrick McCombe (Thu, May 20)

Passive House Accelerator Summit
Resilience in Canada (Thu, May 20)

#BS (Building Science) Fridays
Solutions for Vapor, Moisture and Bulk Water in our Buildings (Fri, May 21)

7. EDUCATION: Upcoming Passive House Trainings

Passivhaus Trust
Passivhaus for Educational Buildings: Procurement Tutorials (May 19, 26 & June 2, 9, 16, 23)
Getting to Net Zero (May 14)

Members-Only Office Hours WUFI Passive with John Loercher (May 14)
Making the Invisible Visible: Realizing Value for Passive House Benefits (May 18)

North American Passive House Association
1-Day Intro to Passive House (May 19)

Australian Passive House Association 
Passive House for Affordable Housing (May 19)

Building Energy Exchange 
Building Retrofits as Climate Action (May 20)

Passive Pod Workshop (May 19-20)
Passive House Tradesperson Exam (May 21)

Passive House Canada 
CPHD/C Exam (May 21)

Building Energy Exchange 
Climate Mobilization Act Series: Green Roofs as Equity Infrastructure (May 25)

WUFI Passive for Beginners (May 27)

Australian Passive House Association 
ProClima Demonstration: Airtightness Installation Training (May 28)

Passive House Canada 
Controlling Water on Roofs and Below Grade (May 28)

Passive House School 
Certified Passive House Tradesperson/Designer (May 28-30)

Passive House Canada 
Introduction to Passive House High-Performance Buildings (June 1-10)
Pathway to Passive House Trades Certification 150 Series (June 2)
Pathway to Passive House Designer/ Consultant Certification 120 Series (June 7)

Australian Passive House Association 
Certified Passive House Designer Course (June 1-24)
Certified Passive House Trades Person Course (June 3- July 15)

CPHC Training Phase II (June 7)
CPHB Training Phase II (June 21)

View our full calendar here.

Published: May 17, 2021
Categories: News