Passive House Week In Preview: May 10

Read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, deadlines, and developments to put on your radar this week. Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. MON: Passivhaus Conference of the Americas

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Insituto Latinoamerico Passivhaus virtual conference is a free event! Expect conversations from representatives of national and subnational governments, cities, the private sector, financial institutions, and civil society about the role of Passive House in recouping economies from the COVID19 pandemic and the increasing effects of climate change. Register here.

2. TUE: Energy Star to Passive House at Construction Tech

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Tomorrow (May 11) at Construction Tech Tuesday Reid Rowlands will talk through taking the Wesley house from Energy Star to Passive House. The Wesley plan has been built a handful of times by an affordable house developer in Delaware and Reid wants to work with us to crowdsource ideas for how to take this plan to the next level. Learn more.

3. WED: Masonry Retrofit with Kohta Ueno at the Happy Hour

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Wednesday (May 12) Kohta Ueno, senior associate at Building Science Corporation, will dive into the interior retrofit of insulation in mass masonry buildings. This low carbon case study provides valuable lessons learned as we push for more Passive House retrofits of existing buildings. Join us May 12 to hear from Kohta about interior masonry retrofits Happy Hour. Learn more.

4. NOW LIVE: Episode 38 of the Passive House Podcast

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Matthew interview Passivhaus Trust's John Palmer about his Royal Navy background, his recommendations for Energy Performance Certificates, and uptake of Passive House in the UK. Listen here.

5. SAVE THE DATE: Spring Conferences & Summits

Resilence in Canada: A Passive House Accelerator Summit (May 20)
Passive Buildings Canada and Passive House Canada join forces with Passive House Accelerator to present Resilience in Canada, exploring community and building resilience through three Passive House projects in Canada. Register here.

Energy Efficiency Finance Forum by ACEEE (May 25-26)
Want to know how financing can drive a clean energy future? Join us for the 13th Energy Efficiency Finance Forum (EEFF) — the premier conference for industry leaders like you — to explore the vital role that financing will play in cutting-edge initiatives and major opportunities to finance projects that save energy, reduce costs, and create jobs. Register here. 

Passive House For All: North American Passive House Network (June 10–11)
This hybrid (in-person + virtual) conference will center around the accessibility of Passive House. Attendees can expect the usual programming such as specialized technical, process, and policy of Passive House with a specific emphasis on environmental, health, and social crises. Register here. P.S more affordable rates are available for students this year!

6. SOCIALS: Passive House/Building Science Gatherings

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Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech Tuesday
Reid Rowlands: How to Go From Energy Star to Passive House (Tue, May 11)

Global Passive House Happy Hour
Kohta Ueno: Interior Masonry Retrofit (Wed, May 12)

BS and Beer Show 
The Science of Concrete with Trevor Acorn, Helen Watts & Chris Genest (Fri, May 13)

#BS (Building Science) Fridays
Dangerous Buildings Need Trained Professionals  with WickRight (Fri, May 14)

Meet AIANY's Highly Rated Candidates for Mayor (Fri, May 14)

Intersection of Climate & Social Justice: Diversity & Equity in STEM (Fri, May 21)

7. EDUCATION: Upcoming Passive House Trainings

CPHB Training Phase II (May 10)

Building Energy Exchange
Climate Mobilization Act Series (May 11)

Passive House Canada 
Cold Climate Webinar Series #2 (May 12)

New York Passive House
Product Showcase | Thermally Broken Shelf Angles (May 13)

Passivhaus Trust
Passivhaus for Educational Buildings: Procurement Tutorials (May 12, 19, 26 & June 2, 9, 16, 23)
Getting to Net Zero (May 14)

Members-Only Office Hours WUFI Passive with John Loercher (May 14)
Making the Invisible Visible: Realizing Value for Passive House Benefits (May 18)

North American Passive House Association
1-Day Intro to Passive House (May 19)

Passive Pod Workshop (May 19-20)
Passive House Tradesperson Exam (May 21)

WUFI Passive for Beginners (May 27)
CPHC Training Phase II (June 7)

View our full calendar here.

Published: May 10, 2021
Categories: News