Passive House Week In Preview: January 31

Please read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, deadlines, and developments to put on your radar this week. The featured project above is the Oak Bay Passive House.

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. Wed: Ed May Kicks Off Passive House Live

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Passive House Live kicks off February 2 with special guest Ed May. As a champion of many multifamily, single-family, and commercial Passive House projects Ed has picked up a few how-not-to’s of airtightness during his career in high performance design consulting. We are dedicating the month of February at Passive House Live to focus on the Passive House Principle of Airtightness. Join us to hear horror stories of air leakage, blower doors gone awry, and (most importantly) how to course correct to stay under .06 ACH 50. Tune into Passive House Live Wednesday, February 2 at 4pm pacific/ 7pm eastern for airtightness lessons learned with Ed May. Get the Zoom Link.

*** Important Programming Note: our Construction Tech and Global Passive House Showcase series are consolidating under one umbrella: the Passive House Live series. On the first and third Wednesday of each month, we will hold the Project Showcase edition of Passive House Live, and on the second and fourth Wednesday, we will hold the Construction Tech edition. (This means that Construction Tech will no longer run on Tuesdays.) We'll see you at Passive House Live! ***

2. NOW LIVE: Episode 72 of the Passive House Podcast

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Zack interviews Juhee Lee-Hartford and James Hartford of River Architects, the Hudson Valley-based architecture firm that has been pioneering Passive House design for over a decade. Juhee and James share how they met, how both building science and design excellence motivate their work, and the community of practice that they have been part of building in New York State. Listen here.

3. EDUCATION: Upcoming Passive House Trainings

The Passive House Network 
CPHD On-Demand Trainings
CPHT On-Demand Trainings

Introduction to Passive House (February 2) 
Introduction to Passive House Trades (February 2)

Building Energy Exchange 
High Rise Low Carbon (February 3)

BS Fridays 
Fresh Air & Sunshine: Essentials for High Performance Buildings (February 4)

Smart Plus Academy 
Certified Passive House Tradesperson Course (February 7)

Phius Builder Trainer (February 7)

Passive House Canada 
Achieving the Passive House Standard for Existing Buildings (February 7) 
A Pattern Language from Passive House (February 8)

The Passive House Network 
Passive House Retrofits Part 1 (February 8)

Illinois Green Building Alliance 
Building Science and Sustainability (February 8)

Passive House Academy New Zealand 
Certified Passive House Designer/ Consultant (February 8)

BS & Beer Show 
At IBS in Orlando for The BS + Beer Show, Live! Control layers with Carl Seville and Michael Anschel (February 8)
At IBS in Orlando for The BS + Beer Show, Live! State of the Industry with Dr. Joe Lstiburek and Christine Williamson (February 9)

Building Energy Exchange 
Retrofit Now (February 10, March 9, April 7)

Passive House School 
Certified Passive House Designer and Consultant (February 11)

The Passive House Network 
Introduction to the Passive House Standard (February 10)
Why Passive House? The Scope with Ken Levenson (February 11)

Building Energy Exchange 
Passive House Primer (February 15)

Passive House Academy New Zealand 
Calculating Whole Life of Carbon Using PHribbons (February 16)

Phius+ Rater Training (February 19)

The Passive House Network 
Building Energy Compliance: Introduction to Local Laws (February 24)

Building Energy Exchange 
Beyond Zero Series: Decarbonizing Downtowns (February 24)

Emu Passive 
CPHT Live in Arvada, Colorado (February 28)

BS & Beer Show 
Photovoltaic Nuts + Bolts with Will Field and Vaughan Woodruff of Revision Energy (March 3)

Passive House School
Certified Passive House Designer and Consultant Exam (March 18)

View our full calendar here.

Published: January 31, 2022
Categories: News