Passive House Week In Preview: April 26

Read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, deadlines, and developments to put on your radar this week. Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. TONIGHT! Passive House Accelerator Policy Summit


Our Policy Summit starts with the premise that virtually all new buildings can and should be Passive House buildings, right now. It then shares North American examples of how policy is accelerating this transition in New York, Massachusetts, Washington, British Columbia, and beyond.

We’ll hear impactful presentations by:

  • Anthony Pak of Carbon Leadership Forum

  • Bev Craig of Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

  • Bomee Jung recently of New York City Housing Authority

  • Mike Fowler of Passive House Northwest

  • Prudence Ferreira of BR+A and the ASHRAE 227 committee

  • Robyn Wark of BC Hydro

  • Tom Eisele recently of NYC Mayor’s Office

And, in true Passive House Accelerator style, we’ll have a lively Q&A session after the presentations.

Register here.

2. TUE: Monadnock Construction at Construction Tech

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Tomorrow (April 28) the Monadnock Construction crew joins us at Construction Tech. Aleksandr Yelizarov, Vice President and project executive at Monadnock, will be joined by assistant project managers Cheyenne Xu and Sherzod Ziyakhanov to talk about the keys to success for a multifamily Passive House building project. Learn more.

3. WED: Passive House Developments with Zeina Talje

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We all know Passive House works, so why isn’t every building a Passive House? Zeina Talje, Managing Partner at Z Capital Investments will present on developing Passive House and net-zero condos on April 28 at the Happy Hour. Her insights about market adoption of Passive House will be invaluable to our collective efforts to accelerate as an industry/movement. Learn more.

4. NOW LIVE: Episode 36 of the Passive House Podcast

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On Episode 36 of the Passive House Podcast, cohost Matthew Cutler-Welsh interviews Robyn Wark, Manager of Advanced Demand Side Management at BC Hydro about the groundbreaking Energy Step Code in British Columbia. The BC Step Code provides a roadmap of 5 steps that guide both builders and cities from today's base code to Passive House-levels of performance. This highest level of performance, "Step 5", will become mandatory for all buildings by 2032. Listen here.

5. Save the Date: Spring Conferences & Summits

BuildingEnergy Boston 2021 (May 5-7) 
This annual conference designed by and for practitioners in the fields of high-performance building and design, energy efficiency, and renewable energy will be held virtually this year. It brings more than 1,000 industry leaders and emerging professionals together to learn from and share ideas with each other. Sessions are curated by a volunteer NESEA-Member content committee to ensure that conference sessions are genuinely useful to attendees. Register here.

Passive House For All: North American Passive House Network (June 10–11)
This hybrid (in-person + virtual) conference will center around the accessibility of Passive House. Attendees can expect the usual programming such as specialized technical, process, and policy of Passive House with a specific emphasis on environmental, health, and social crises. Register here. P.S more affordable rates are available for students this year!

6. SOCIALS: Passive House/Building Science Gatherings

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Passive House Accelerator Summits
Passive House Policy Summit (Mon, April 26)

Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech Tuesday
Keys to Success For Multifamily PH Projects: Aleksandr Yelizarov, Cheyenne Xu, & Sherzod Ziyakhanov (Tue, April 27)

Global Passive House Happy Hour
Developing Passive House + Netzero Condos: Zeina Talje (Wed, April 28)

#BS (Building Science) Fridays
Engineered Wood & MASS Timber with VAAGEN Timbers (Fri, April 30)

Meet AIANY's Highly Rated Candidates for Mayor (Fri, May 14)

7. EDUCATION: Upcoming Passive House Trainings

PHIUS+ Rater Training (April 26)
Members-Only Office House with James Ortega & Lisa White (April 27)

New York Passive House 
Architects Focus | Closing the Gap in New York City (April 29)

Passive House Canada
Built In Canada: Lessons Learned From PH Projects (April 30)
Pathway to Designer/Consultant Certification (120P) (May 3)

International Passive House Association
Project Spotlight: The scope of Passive House buildings in China (May 5)

CPHB Training Phase II (May 10)

New York Passive House
Product Showcase | Thermally Broken Shelf Angles (May 13)

Passivhaus Trust
Passivhaus for Educational Buildings: Procurement Tutorials (May 12, 19, 26 & June 2, 9, 16, 23)
Getting to Net Zero (May 14)

Members-Only Office Hours WUFI Passive with John Loercher (May 14)
Making the Invisible Visible: Realizing Value for Passive House Benefits (May 18)

North American Passive House Association
1-Day Intro to Passive House (May 19)

Passive Pod Workshop (May 19-20)
Passive House Tradesperson Exam (May 21)

WUFI Passive for Beginners (May 27)

View our full calendar here.

Published: April 26, 2021
Categories: News