Passive House Week In Preview: April 19

Read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, deadlines, and developments to put on your radar this week. Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. TUE: Saving Wet Buildings, Bob Kelly on Construction Tech

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Chicago has a Condensation Crisis and Construction Tech Tuesday guest Bob Kelly has solutions. On Tuesday (April 20) Bob, founder of WickRight and inventor of 365 Construction Tents, will dive into his inventive and clever ways to address the pervasive issue of masonry moisture intrusion. Learn more.

2. WED: Sendero Verde Affordable PH at the Happy Hour

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Wednesday (April 21) Louis Koehl and Ryan Lobello, CPHD's with Handel Architects, will present the Sendero Verde project. Sendero Verde, located in East Harlem, includes 709 units of affordable housing, a school, a community garden, and more, the project is a model of equitable access to healthy and sustainable building. Learn more.

3. NOW LIVE: Episode 35 of the Passive House Podcast

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In Episode 35 of the Passive House Podcast, cohost Zack Semke interviews architect Tom Eisele, recently of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Resiliency, and current policy advisor with New York Passive House. Zack and Tom discuss the momentous New York City Local Law 97 which caps greenhouse gas emissions for all buildings in New York that are 25,000 or larger—over 50,000 buildings. Listen here.

4. Monday, April 26 Passive House Accelerator Policy Summit


Our Policy Summit starts with the premise that virtually all new buildings can and should be Passive House buildings, right now. It then shares North American examples of how policy is accelerating this transition in New York, Massachusetts, Washington, British Columbia, and beyond. Learn about the three-legged stool of Passive House policy success: (1) code progress to raise the floor, (2) emissions caps to set the limit, and (3) incentives to accelerate change. Our panel will present "shining examples" of all three, as well scrappy/stealthy examples of success. Register here.

5. Save the Date: Spring Conferences & Summits

PHIUS Mechanical Summit (April 19–22)
Registration is now open for the PHIUS Mechanical Summit! The summit will feature pre-recorded sessions and live panel discussions. Each day of the Summit will cover one of four main topics in an effort to bring more awareness to what components and practices can create a solid mechanical system across different climates. Register here.

Living Future 2021: Inclusion + Unity (April 20–23)
This spring the International Living Future Institute will host its annual conference virtually. The Conference address the drivers of climate change and the structural inequities in the built environment. The second day will host ILFI’s first Spanish language track course focused on the needs of Latin America, justice, and building resilience. Attendees can also expect seminars on policy, finance, technology, and a product expo. Register here.

BuildingEnergy Boston 2021 (May 5-7) 
This annual conference designed by and for practitioners in the fields of high-performance building and design, energy efficiency, and renewable energy will be held virtually this year. It brings more than 1,000 industry leaders and emerging professionals together to learn from and share ideas with each other. Sessions are curated by a volunteer NESEA-Member content committee to ensure that conference sessions are genuinely useful to attendees. Register here.

Passive House For All: North American Passive House Network (June 10–11)
This hybrid (in-person + virtual) conference will center around the accessibility of Passive House. Attendees can expect the usual programming such as specialized technical, process, and policy of Passive House with a specific emphasis on environmental, health, and social crises. Register here. P.S more affordable rates are available for students this year!

6. SOCIALS: Passive House/Building Science Gatherings

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NY Passive House
Earth Day 2021 Virtual Fest (Mon, April 19)

Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech Tuesday
Saving Wet Buildings: Bob Kelly, WickRight (Tue, April 20)

Global Passive House Happy Hour
Ryan Lobello & Louis Koehl: Sendero Verde (Wed, April 21)

BS+Beer Show
Intentional Indoor Fires (Thu, April 22)

Passive House Canada
Building Conversations: Earth Day Special with Arne Suraga (Wed, April 22)

#BS (Building Science) Fridays
Electric Boogaloo Design & Model to avoid a PHuckUp with Prudence Ferreira (Fri, April 23)

Passive House Accelerator Summits
Passive House Policy Summit (Mon, April 26)

7. EDUCATION: Upcoming Passive House Trainings

Studio for High-Performance Design and Construction
Indoor Air Quality — Building Science Discussion Series (April 21)

Australian Passive House Association
Owl Woods: Talina Edwards (April 21)

1‑day Passive House Intro Passive House Pennsylvania (April 21)

Passive House Canada
Building for Sustainability with Chris Ballard (April 22)

PHIUS+ Rater Training (April 26)
Members-Only Office House with James Ortega & Lisa White (April 27)

Passive House Canada
Built In Canada: Lessons Learned From PH Projects (April 30)

Passivhaus Trust
Passivhaus for Educational Buildings: Procurement Tutorials (May 12, 19, 26 & June 2, 9, 16, 23)
Getting to Net Zero (May 14)

Members-Only Office Hours WUFI Passive with John Loercher (May 14)
Making the Invisible Visible: Realizing Value for Passive House Benefits (May 18)

View our full calendar here.

Published: April 19, 2021
Categories: News