Passive House Standard has Landed in Sri Lanka

The Passive House Institute has awarded the Star Garment Innovation Centre in Sri Lanka the EnerPHit Pilot Project Certification: the first Passive House certified building in the country! The new garment manufactory not only improves the working conditions of the employees but also paves the way for certified Passive House buildings in Sri Lanka.

The project was led by Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture (JPDA) with the technical assistance of Steven Winter Associates (SWA), who took the opportunity to renovate the old factory building in order to make drastic improvements in the energy efficiency of the building and the working environment. Their goal was to design a state-of-the-art factory that would achieve the Passive House certification, which was also made possible thanks to the expertise of the Passive House Institute. In fact, they played a fundamental role by being in charge of benchmarking, verification, and certification of the retrofitted factory, thus providing substantial support to the project team.

In this article, the achievements and workflows of the team are explained further. To discover more about the project read our post on the iPHA blog!

Published: June 1, 2020