Passive House Canada Tower Retrofit Symposium: Call for Speakers Deadline Extended

Passive House Canada, in collaboration with the Tower Renewal Partnership, is pleased to present our Tower Retrofit Symposium. Borne from the idea that best practices from deep energy retrofits including EnerPHit projects, should be showcased and shared. The Tower Retrofit Symposium will be held in a virtual setting, with the opportunity to network and meet companies that are driving change in this dynamic field! We are looking for speakers that span the spectrum of knowledge on deep energy retrofits and EnerPHit projects. Example topic areas may include:

2050 carbon plans (lock-in)/standards

Building code

Case studies



Holistic, system-as-a-building approach

IAQ – Covid-19



Resident-in-place retrofit

Step-by-step retrofit – health & safety

Technical sessions – mechanical systems

Triggers for retrofits/capital planning

For further details, please visit our website. SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED!: Monday, July 5th at 5pm PT.

Published: June 30, 2021
Categories: News