Michael Ingui Announces Source 2050

In just the few years since we launched, the Passive House Accelerator journey has been incredibly exciting and rewarding. We have already seen hundreds of projects and stories shared, and with every new event and feature, we are raising the profile of - and expertise within - the Passive House community. I know I have personally learned a ton, and thanks to Zack, Mary, the hosts of the programs, and everyone else involved, have also had a lot of fun.

And as we think about what our community is trying to achieve, and our commitment to energy efficiency and decarbonization generally, it has occurred to me that we need to bring this same collaborative spirit to bear to fix the materials marketplace if we are ever going to achieve our 2030 and 2050 goals.

For years, in my conversations with members of the Passive House and broader high-performance and energy-efficient construction communities, including architects, contractors, engineers, and manufacturers, I have heard the same frustrations again and again:

  • in such a fragmented industry, it is too difficult for manufacturers to get their products to the right projects, and too hard for builders to find the right products for those projects,

  • even when they do find each other, trying to specify and purchase those products efficiently and within the timeline of the project is incredibly frustrating, and

  • the logistics involved in getting those products from the manufacturer to the job site at the right time can be really tough.

But these are solvable problems, and I am excited to say that I have been working with a great team dedicated to building and delivering a solution that will help all stakeholders in the market.  Although I am sure there will be many ways to collaborate, this new endeavor is independent of the Passive House Accelerator and is being run by John Knapp, who has been a Passive House Accelerator advisor, is a startup and technology attorney, and who renovated his home to be the first Passive Plus house in North America.

Source 2050 will be a multi-vendor marketplace built to allow energy-efficient construction products from the largest industry incumbents to the most innovative startup companies to be listed, compared, and purchased in one place. We are also building out features that will make specifying, validating, purchasing, and delivering those products, from the architect to the engineer to the contractor, a truly intuitive, seamless process.

And because we are building Source 2050 to address the specific frustrations and the actual lived experiences of professionals and manufacturers alike, we are eager to hear from any of you who have strong feelings about these issues.

Please send an email to [email protected] with your thoughts, or just put Subscribe in the subject line if you want us to keep you apprised of our progress.

We look forward to telling you more very soon.


Published: October 13, 2021
Author: Michael Ingui