Implementing Cutting Edge & Circular MEP Strategies within Passive Mixed-Use Affordable Housing

pha live cs 012424 ed ettinger rectangle 1707166360

The concepts of sustainable circularity can be readily brought to MEP design for projects of all typologies with deliberate forethought and careful planning. This presentation spotlights how the redevelopment of the landmark Malcolm Shabazz Harlem Market into a mixed-use Passive House affordable housing project does this adeptly. The deployment and integration of packaged terminal heat pumps with Passive House concepts and certification will be discussed in detail. Other topics will include the use of blackwater source heat pumps for domestic water production and market refrigeration rack cooling, the deployment of air-side economizer ventilation and cooling for the marketplace, creative daylighting, the use of rainwater harvesting for onsite irrigation and deployment of real-time energy monitoring. Other circular non-MEP concepts to be deployed at the project will be briefly mentioned.

Ed Ettinger has been a practicing engineer since 2003, has served as MEP Principal-in-Charge for numerous and varied EEA projects and is the Founding Principal of the firm’s Sustainable Consulting division. He has presided over the design and implementation of multiple NYSERDA Buildings of Excellence Award winning projects and led studies to achieve Passive House and net-zero performance for numerous residential, commercial and mixed-use buildings and spaces. Ed’s firm also serves as a Technical Assistance Provider to NYS’s Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) agency in promotion and review of proposed Passive House building approaches. Ed holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.S. in Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Published: January 24, 2024
Categories: Video