Tom Bassett-Dilley & Timothy Eberline: Carrol Center PH Renovation

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On June 3, Tom Bassett-Dilley, architect, and Timothy Eberline, project manager, presented on Tom Bassett-Dilly Architect’s Carroll Center Passive House retrofit in Oak Park, Illinois. In our race against climate change, our collective ability to retrofit existing buildings will make or break us. So examples like the Carroll Center are invaluable, both in opening our minds to what’s possible but also in the actionable lessons they can provide us as we tackle our own deep energy retrofits. The projects is a community center for after school programs, day care, adult classes, and community meetings. The retrofit of the facility (currently underway) is pre-certified both PHIUS+ 2018 and PHUIS Source Zero, with a rooftop PV array that will bring the building to annual net-zero energy use.

Published: June 3, 2020