Dr. Wolfgang Feist will Address the Passive House Network Conference

The Passive House Network announced that Dr. Wolfgang Feist, founder of the Passive House Institute will address the PHN 2022 Conference (https://phnconference.org/) in the opening session on the topic of its campaign “Efficiency Now!”-a new initiative by the Institute, launched in the face of Europe’s war-driven energy crisis - and an analysis of the underlying opportunity to shift away from natural gas and address the problems of both energy instability, and greenhouse gas emissions.

“I look forward to sharing with American colleagues our thinking on how energy-efficient buildings might best support democracy, security, and climate protection in these urgent times,” said Dr. Feist.

The Campaign Starts in Europe and Extends Globally

While the climate crisis compels us to stop burning fossil fuels as quickly as possible to maintain a livable planet, today, the horrific war in Ukraine has added new dimensions, where fossil fuels support a brutal war of aggression, create economic and social instability, and like the climate crisis, produce potentially devastating effects on the most vulnerable people around the world.

“If in January we had ample reasons to stop burning fossil fuels, today the need is an immediate daily imperative. The energy transition has never been more urgent in Europe but also for us in America, and everyone all around the world,” said Ken Levenson, Executive Director of The Passive House Network. “As Passive House practitioners we are attuned to the fundamental power of energy efficiency - a force multiplier of comfort, resilience, and support for the green energy revolution."

The Passive House Network | 1250 Broadway, 36th Fl, New York, NY 10001 | 929.376.8539

The Passive House Institute and its campaign, Efficiency Now! points out that rapid implementation requires expanding considered approaches and supports immediate low-cost, low-effort, and behavior-related changes, to tips for those in the construction industry-and in combination, the efforts can have great effects and reduce fossil fuel dependence.

While countries like Germany may face the most obvious challenges, today, because the energy supplies are global, the climate crisis is global, and our fate is global - the work is global. We all have an incredibly important role to play in driving efficiency, energy stability, and opportunity for all.

Find out more about the campaign at https://passipedia.org/efficiency_now# & https://passivehouse-international.org/upload/20220408_Press_Release_Campaign_E fficiency_NOW.pdf

Find out more about the PHN 2022 conference and register at


Published: June 3, 2022
Categories: News