Architype's Thornton Road Passive House Among the Winnters of the 2020 Waikato/ Bay of Plenty Architecture Awards

The winners of the 2020 Waikato/Bay of Plenty Architecture Awards were announced yesterday, June 24. They are the first local branch of the Te Kahui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects to issue awards so far this year. Of the 24 winners, 14 were single-family homes. Of those 14, one was a Passive House that has already received certification by the Passive House Institute: The Thornton Road Passive House by Architype in the town of Cambridge.

Jury citations published on Architecture Now describe the home as, “Proudly possessed of international Passive House status, this home’s low-key massing and colouring allow it to sit comfortably within its context. The decision to move into the street yard to the south not only creates a more useful northern yard, but also means the houses engages with the street and park beyond. The house is sensibly organised for the retired owners, who need to move only about the ground floor, and provides space for visiting family to stay on the upper level.”

To see the full list of winners, click here.

Published: June 29, 2020