Accelerator Welcomes AIA New York as an Education Partner

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The Accelerator would like to welcome the American Institute of Architects New York State (AIANYS) as an Education Partner. Founded in 1931, AIANYS, the state component of the American Institute of Architects comprised of 13 statewide chapters representing over 9,500 architecture and design professionals, has provided critical and innovative educational resources to architects and design professionals throughout the state of New York and beyond. These resources have long focused on equipping their members with the necessary tools for cultivating expertise as architects and aiding them in adhering to the myriad codes and regulations that govern their professional practices across the state.

With the passage of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) in 2019—which requires the state to cut emissions to 40% and 85% below 1990 levels by 2030 and 2050, respectively—New York has become one of the most proactive states with respect to cutting emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change. Cutting operational emissions of buildings has been particularly important because the building sector is responsible for just under 40% of global emissions, and early adopters of Passive House standards have shown that following the principles of passive construction can dramatically reduce energy use and emissions on new construction and retrofits. As more architects become more familiar with the principles of Passive House design and construction, the goals set forth in CLCPA become less daunting and more easily achievable.

This is why we are so excited to partner with AIANYS. We hope to provide members with the resources they need to familiarize themselves with more efficient and resilient building methodologies, best exemplified in Passive House construction. By better understanding the design principles of Passive House construction, members will not only acquire tools to better comply with the increasingly rigorous building codes and local laws, they will also develop techniques that can help them create beautiful and sustainable buildings that stand the test of time.

AIANYS members have access to the Accelerator’s vast library of educational videos, podcasts, case studies, and news items about the principles and practical applications of Passive house construction and design. Additionally, members can join live online events put on by the Accelerator to learn how Passive House principles have been applied in real world scenarios, and to then discuss how to further reduce the operational and embodied carbon of the built environment with other practitioners. These events include a weekly online program, as well as more occasional summits and roundtables, and are a great place to network and learn about new products, new projects, and new approaches to design.

We’re looking forward to helping New York once again lead the way!

Published: October 20, 2023
Categories: News