475 High Performance Building Supply Becomes a Founding Sponsor of Passive House Accelerator

We at Passive House Accelerator are excited to announce that 475 High Performance Building Supply has become a Founding Sponsor of Passive House Accelerator. A Patron Sponsor of the Accelerator for most of 2020, 475 recently made the decision to invest in the top tier level of support.

“475 High Performance Building Supply is very excited to increase our support and collaboration with Passive House Accelerator,” said Johnny Rezvani, Creative Director at 475. “Over the last two years they have emerged as the hub of news and events for the Passive House movement. Together we hope to broadcast helpful methods and material solutions to the construction world so we can all build like the future depends on it.”

475 is mainstay of the North American Passive House industry, supplying high performance building components to many of the earliest Passive House projects in the US and Canada, and expanding rapidly with the exponential growth of the market over the past decade. The company was among the first to recognize how important customer education is in the Passive House space given the holistic nature of high performance building design and construction. To that end, 475 shares a trove of building science and how-to educational resources with the AEC community via their website (foursevenfive.com for USA, and foursevenfive.ca for Canada) and in-person and online trainings.

“475 and the Accelerator share a common mission: to transform the building sector into one of zero carbon, high performance buildings,” said Zack Semke, Director of Passive House Accelerator. “We couldn’t be more excited to be partnering with the 475 team to achieve our joint purpose and to amplify our respective efforts to educate about the many benefits of zero carbon construction. We deeply appreciate 475’s support.”

Stay tuned for more about this collaboration! In the meantime, please mark your calendars for 475’s first Passive House Component Spotlight, presented by Passive House Accelerator: Thursday, January 14, 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern.

Published: December 22, 2020
Categories: News