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2024 Phius Policy Summit April 16-17

The Phius Policy Summit is taking place online April 16-17! The two-day event will showcase examples of recently enacted policies that remove barriers to Passive House construction and encourage developers of all backgrounds to build to the Phius standard. Attendees will get to see how different states have adopted unique but replicable approaches to promote climate action through healthier and more efficient buildings!

The summit will be hosted by Phius Project Certifier and Policy Associate Zoe Rader and Phius Policy Specialist and Project Certifier Isaac Elnecave, and it will run for two hours each night, from 5-7 pm ET. Tickets are $30 per day except for Phius Alliance members, who can access their member discount through the Phius Portal.

On April 16, the program will center on a panel discussion about policy endeavors in the state of Minnesota, how to design policies that encourage developers to build to the Phius standard, and the ongoing work on the Chicago alternative compliance code. Speakers will include:

·         Katie Kaluzny, Deputy Director (Illinois Green Alliance)

·         Sean Meyers, Principal (Threshold Development Group)

·         Elizabeth Turner, Architect and Sustainability Consultant (Precipitate)

The program on April 17 will explore the very exciting developments in Massachusetts and their opt-in stretch code that effectively requires all multifamily construction comply with passive standards. Discussion will focus on not only the new code, but how low-income housing developers can benefit by building to the Phius standard. Speakers will include:

·         Beverly Craig, Program Director (Massachusetts Clean Energy Center)

·         Lauren Westmoreland, Vice President of Energy and Sustainability (Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future)

The link to register is below. For more information, check out Phius’ website here.

Register for the Policy Summit April 16-17 Let's Get Technical!

Published: March 20, 2024
Categories: Policy, Article